To implement InputFile component into your project you’ll need to add the import:
import InputFile from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/InputFile";
After adding import into your project you can use it simply like:
<InputFile />
Table below contains all types of the props available in the InputFile component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
allowedFileTypes | string \| string[] | You can specify allow file types. See MDN | |
buttonLabel | Translation | "Select file" | The label for the Button inside InputFile. See Functional specs |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. | |
id | string | Set id for InputFile | |
error | React.Node | The error message for the Select. See Functional specs | |
fileName | string | The name of selected file. | |
help | React.Node | The help message for the InputFile. | |
label | Translation | The label for the InputFile. | |
name | string | The name for the InputFile. | |
onBlur | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onBlur event. | |
onChange | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onChange event. | |
required | boolean | If true, the label is displayed as required. | |
onFocus | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onFocus event. | |
onRemoveFile | () => void \| Promise | Function for handling file name removing. | |
placeholder | TranslationString | "No file selected" | The placeholder for the InputFile. See Functional specs |
ref | func | Prop for forwarded ref of the InputFile. See Functional specs | |
spaceAfter | enum | Additional margin-bottom after component. | |
tabIndex | string \| number | Specifies the tab order of an element | |
width | string | 100% | Specifies width of InputFile |
insideInputGroup | boolean | false | Set to true if InputFile is inside InputGroup |
multiple | boolean | If set to true will allow to upload multiple files | |
disabled | boolean | If set to true will allow to upload multiple files |
spaceAfter |
"none" |
"smallest" |
"small" |
"normal" |
"medium" |
"large" |
"largest" |
Functional specs
prop overwrites thehelp
prop, due to higher priority.If you pass some
into placeholder it will be used as its placeholder.If you pass some
into buttonLabel it will be used for button content.ref
can be used for example auto-focus the elements immediately after render.
class Component extends React.PureComponent<Props> {componentDidMount() {this.ref.current && this.ref.current.focus();}ref: { current: React.ElementRef<*> | null } = React.createRef();render() {return <InputFile ref={this.ref} />;}}