To implement the InputField component into your project you’ll need to add the import:
import InputField from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/InputField";
After adding import to your project you can use it simply like:
<InputField />
The table below contains all types of props available in the InputField component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
autoComplete | string | The autocomplete attribute of the input, see this docs. | |
autoFocus | boolean | The autofocus attribute of the input, see this docs. Keep in mind that autofocus works only when Input is initially rendered. | |
defaultValue | string \| number | Specifies the default value of the InputField. To be used with uncontrolled usage. | |
disabled | boolean | If true , the InputField will be disabled. | |
dataAttrs | Object | Optional prop for passing data-* attributes to the input DOM element. | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. | |
error | React.Node | The error to display beneath the InputField. See Functional specs | |
tags | React.Node | Optional prop to display rendered Tag component. See Functional specs | |
help | React.Node | The help to display beneath the InputField. | |
label | Translation | The label for the InputField. See Functional specs | |
id | string | Set id attribute for input. | |
inlineLabel | boolean | If true , the label renders on the left side of input. | |
inputMode | enum | The type of data that might be entered by the user. See more here. | |
minValue | number | Specifies the minimum value for the InputField. | |
maxValue | number | Specifies the maximum value for the InputField. | |
maxLength | number | Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed. | |
minLength | number | Specifies the minimum number of characters allowed. | |
width | string | "100%" | Specifies the width of the InputField. |
required | boolean | If true , the label is displayed as required. | |
name | string | The name for the InputField. | |
onBlur | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onBlur event. | |
onChange | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onChange event. | |
onFocus | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onFocus event. | |
onKeyDown | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onKeyDown event. | |
onKeyUp | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onKeyUp event. | |
onMouseDown | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onMouseDown event. | |
onMouseUp | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onMouseUp event. | |
onSelect | event => void \| Promise | Function for handling onSelect event. | |
placeholder | string \| (() => string)) | The placeholder of the InputField. | |
prefix | React.Node | The prefix component for the InputField. | |
readOnly | boolean | false | If true , the InputField is readOnly. |
ref | func | Prop for forwarded ref of the InputField. See Functional specs | |
spaceAfter | enum | Additional margin-bottom after component. | |
suffix | React.Node | The suffix component for the InputField. | |
tabIndex | string \| number | Specifies the tab order of an element. | |
type | enum | "text" | The type of the InputField. |
value | string \| number | Specifies the value of the InputField. To be used with controlled usage. | |
list | string | The id of the datalist element. | |
ariaAutocomplete | inline \| list \| both | The aria-autocomplete attribute of the input, see this docs. | |
role | textbox \| combobox \| searchbox | textbox | The role attribute of the input, see this docs. |
ariaActiveDescendant | string | The aria-activedescendant attribute of the input, see this docs. | |
ariaHasPopup | boolean | The aria-haspopup attribute of the input, see this docs. | |
ariaExpanded | boolean | The aria-expanded attribute of the input, see this docs. | |
ariaControls | string | The aria-controls attribute of the input, see this docs. | |
ariaLabel | string | Optional prop for aria-label value. See Accessibility tab. | |
ariaLabelledby | string | Optional prop for aria-labelledby value. See Accessibility tab. |
inputMode | type | spaceAfter |
"numeric" | "text" | "none" |
"tel" | "number" | "smallest" |
"decimal" | "email" | "small" |
"email" | "password" | "normal" |
"url" | "passportid" | "medium" |
"search" | "large" | |
"text" | "largest" | |
"none" |
Functional specs
prop overwrites thehelp
prop, due to higher priority.The
icons overwrite the prefix wheninlineLabel
- Usage of
import Tag from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Tag";<InputFieldplaceholder="My placeholder"tags={<div><Tag>Brno</Tag><Tag>Praha</Tag></div>}/>;